Blog Page four

  So you’ve heard the rumors, being added as an authorized user to a credit card doesn’t actually help your score anymore. Well...shoot, that’s too bad, but wait a minute, what? Can you still be added as an authorized user onto someone’s card? Yes. Does that data go on your report? Yes. So...yeah. We at Boost Credit 101 don’t want to get political, but the fact is, saying AU’s don’t help your score is Fake News. It’s not like someone at a bank can take a look at your score and say, oh, but you have these AUs there, this…

  Rarely at Boost Credit 101 do we get someone calling us up asking about tips, general or specific, on how to raise their credit score. That’s something that you might call a friend and ask. Unfortunately this capitalistic society has trained us all that if someone is speaking to us, then they want something from us, and if you are the one calling it’s likely you’re wondering how much it costs and how much it can help your situation, whatever that situation may be. And if that situation is finding ways to help your credit score, we take the…

  In the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf and the rest of the fellowship try to go over some snowy mountains, but they can’t make it over the pass because that rascal Saruman is casting spells that result in unpleasant weather, so the crew decides to try their luck in the mines of Moria, which turns out to be a long, slow slog through the dark, fighting cave trolls and goblins and a giant fiery Balrog. Seems like a whole lot of trouble to get from point A to point B, but that’s life in Middle Earth. What correlation do…

  You’re a responsible adult. Credit Cards? Sure, you’ve got a few. Some of them are even just sitting in a drawer. You are savvy. You are the Harry Potter of credit card rewards. You haven’t looked at a credit improvement simulator in years. You get credit cards now to take advantage of points for trips or sign-on bonuses. Perhaps you have tens of thousands of dollars in available credit that you don’t even use. Perhaps there are cards you forgot you had that the only reason you remember they exist is because you see them occasionally on your credit…

  It’s the new year, 2019, and this is the year you’re finally going to get a handle on your credit scores, your credit reports, and get yourself into a position to get approved for that loan, mortgage, or car. Maybe it’s as simple as a desire to get approved for a few credit cards just in case you have an emergency. At Boost Credit 101 we don’t advise using credit cards for emergencies, but like being trained in some form of martial art when you’re in a dark alley and someone threatens you with bodily harm--it’s better to have…

  If you want to get something that helps you, something you very much need, how concerned are you with legality? Well, it probably has a fair bit to do with what you are morally comfortable with, and the risk of getting caught; and, hopefully, consideration of how this affects others. We don’t often get the question of whether or not adding tradelines credit is legal, but it’s something we do want to go over, as you should know if you are getting into business with someone who is willingly breaking the law, or indeed, if you are breaking the…

  Okay, the year is well on it’s way at this point, and your New Year’s resolution of getting your credit and finances figured out has gone on the backburner. Like most things in life, credit, and finances probably don’t really get figured out unless they absolutely have to. So if you’re thinking “my credit score could be better,” but haven’t taken any tangible steps, this post is for you. But if you find yourself in a place where you need to improve your credit, let’s back up for a moment. Credit Score Help This will be a bit philosophical,…

  These days, you really need a side hustle. The days of having a career that lasts your whole life are most certainly over. It’s becoming the case where we don’t have one career, but 5+ careers as things are moving so fast. And how about the fact that there a lot of jobs that currently exist that may become obsolete in the near future. This isn’t a doom and gloom post, more a gentle reminder that it’s important to have multiple streams of income in case something happens to one of them. Just ask the people who had fathers…

  Quick! If we were to ask you to jump into a car and start driving, would you do it? Of course not! At least not without asking these two questions, where am I going, and why am I doing this? These are two very, very important things to keep in mind when it comes to your credit. If you don’t have a destination, how will you know you’re on the right track to get there? Hint, hint: this can also apply to other areas of life [wink] [wink]. If you’re looking up how to improve credit score fast we…

  Here’s the thing about credit, it’s basically impossible to figure out unless you work with it all the time, as it’s always changing. Like a lot of things in life, it’s probably overly complicated, not taxes complicated (thank goodness), but pretty complicated. You don’t need to understand credit fully to be able to have good credit. A lot of it is common sense, and you probably don’t want to think about it too much as it can start to drive you a bit nuts. After all, institutions (like banks) you interact with give your data to a publicly traded…